Baby and Toddler

1 Queensmere Road, Wimbledon, SW19 5QD Greater London, United Kingdom

Shabbat Morning Service

1 Queensmere Road, Wimbledon, SW19 5QD Greater London, United Kingdom

Shabbat Ki Tissa Torah: Exodus 31: 1 - 18 Haftorah: Jeremiah 22: 1 - 16

Rabbi Adrian Schell Induction

1 Queensmere Road, Wimbledon, SW19 5QD Greater London, United Kingdom

The induction of our Rabbi Adrian will take place in the Synagogue at 2:30pm onSunday 20 February and will be followed by a reception. As we are very mindful of Covid restrictions, we havedecided to limit the number of attendees. So we hope you will understand if you are not successful in receivingtickets for this event. You will be able to watch on YouTube and we will send out the link well before the date. Admittance will be by invitation card only.

Baby and Toddler

1 Queensmere Road, Wimbledon, SW19 5QD Greater London, United Kingdom

Shabbat Morning Service

1 Queensmere Road, Wimbledon, SW19 5QD Greater London, United Kingdom

Shabbat Va-yakhel, Shabbat Shekalim , Mevarechim Rosh Chodesh Adar 2 Torah 1: Exodus 35: 20 – 29 Torah 2: Exodus 30: 11 - 16 Haftorah: 2 Kings 12: 1 - 17
