Board Members

Each year at the Synagogue Annual General Meeting (usually held in November), the members present elect a Board of up to 15 members who take responsibility for a variety of roles on behalf of the membership. When there are fewer than 15 candidates there is no election.

The board then elects its officers, being Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Senior Warden. Any member of the community is welcome to attend board to observe. Board meetings are advertised in the synagogue magazine, ‘Kehillah.’

Chairman: Ruth Bragman

Other board members and officers are:

  • Jon Koplin – Hon Secretary
  • Josie Knox – Senior Warden
  • Edward Leek – Hon Treasurer
  • Wendy Levy – Membership Committee & Community
  • Julian Hunt – Education
  • Graham Lust – House

We also have a Vice President who attend the board

  • Hilary Leek – Vice President, Community & Care

Representatives on the Board of Deputies-Michael Conn & Lawrence Jacobson

The Board liaises with several committees and working groups, as follows:

CommitteeChairRole of committee
Care GroupHilary LeekTo decide who in the community needs extra support.
Education Julian Hunt To organise the Cheder and youth education.
Community EducationTBDTo organise adult education and education of the wider community (which includes school visits).
Synagogue EventsRuth BragmanTo organise programmes and events for all members of the community of an entertaining and interesting nature that raise funds for the benefit of the Synagogue or occasionally another specifically-named charity.
FinanceEdward Leek (Treasurer)To review Synagogue finances and the budget prepared by the Treasurer and to recommend subscription levels.
IsraelLiat Korduene-HearnTo raise the profile of and engagement with Israel throughout all the activities, communications, and presentation of the synagogue community.
Members’ groupWendy LevyTo hear the voices of members, encourage new members by building relationships, and liaise with the Rabbi & Office regarding membership.
Planning for JudaismJosie Knox (Senior Warden)To work with the Rabbi, the choir, and the wardens to manage the ritual affairs of the Synagogue.
HouseGraham LustTo look after the upkeep and security of the synagogue facilities.

Additional responsibilities

The Synagogue office supports the Board and committees with responsibilities which include new members, social functions, youth, pastoral care and member communications.  The office has a direct relationship with the marketing of the synagogue which includes lettings, PR, website, research and fundraising.  

Responsibility for Operations and Infrastructure which includes premises, the Synagogue building infrastructure, hospitality and security is taken by members of the Board.

Most of the working groups are led by a Board member, but can (and ideally should) involve community members who are both board and non-Board members. Anyone can take on a portfolio within the working group, take on part responsibility, or an interim role.

The working groups are, of course, subordinate to the elected Board. Board members may be involved in many of the working groups and do not have to lead any of them, but each Board member will be a member of at least one working group unless they have the express agreement of the Board not to be an active working group participant or they have a role/responsibility that falls outside of these working groups (e.g. Board Chairman).

The working groups produce reports to the Board that minute each of their meetings whenever they take place and capture the progress on actions and activities.

Copies of all Board meeting minutes (once signed off by the Board) and the reports of the working groups are available on application to the Synagogue office.

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